Prevention Education Webinars
Our Prevention Education Webinars
A certificate of completion will be provided for all webinars. The webinars listed here are available free for you to complete at your own pace.
Barriers to Reporting
A discussion about the various barriers to survivors reporting: fear, confidentiality concerns, lack of services and resources, cultural barriers, and retaliation.
Child Sexual Abuse and Sex Offenders
Prepares adults to recognize, prevent, and appropriately respond to signs and symptoms of child sexual abuse. Describes the characteristics of sex offenders, relationships between victims and offenders, sex offender subtypes, and the effect of trauma in
Human Trafficking
Defines human trafficking and specific types of trafficking. Information about the people involved in human trafficking including victims, traffickers, and customers is explained and discussed. Emphasis is placed on trafficking in the US, Texas, and the ways it affects our own communities in San Antonio.
Intersection of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Defines domestic violence and sexual assault and evaluates the ways the two overlap. Looks at the types of violence victims can experience, the red flags of an unhealthy relationship, why people abuse, and why people stay in abusive relationships.
The Effects of Trauma
PREA: Prison Rape Elimination Act
Explains the goal and practice of the PREA program. Provides a look into the oppressive prison system, the dynamics of sexual violence in corrections settings, the vulnerable populations targeted, barriers and outcomes of reporting, and more.
Sexual Violence 101 and Primary Prevention
Special Populations
Values Beliefs and Biases
A look at how our values, beliefs, and biases may impact service delivery, including unintentional revictimization and unintentional victim blaming. Includes a discussion of how other cultures react to and interpret sexual violence, privilege, oppression, and a culture of gender violence.
Vicarious Trauma
Explains secondary survivorship, vicarious trauma, secondary traumatic stress, and self-care.
Male Survivors
Explains that men are survivors of sexual violence, just like women. Discusses the role of gender socialization and the impact it has on male survivors, especially when it comes to mental health and reporting. Breaks down the reasons why men are victimized, how they are victimized, and who they are victimized by. Looks at the prevalence of male victimization and debunks common myths about male survivors. This is a basic crash course on male survivors of sexual violence.
Online Dating and Cyber Safety
A look at the digital age of dating: the red flags to be on the lookout for, and tips and tricks to stay safe.
Defining the term stalking, what constitutes as stalking, and how to stop it. Examining real-life stalking scenarios, the prevalence of stalking, and its intersection with sexual assault.
LGBTQ+ and Sexual Violence
Provides an overview of the LGBTQ+ community. This includes information on the LGBTQ+ community as a special population, statistics, the effects of sexual violence on the community, and intersectionality. Specific information is provided on the trans population, the LGBTQ+ military population, understanding gender identities, and best practices for care of LGBTQ+ clients.
Prevention Education Webinars Request Form
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