The Effects of Sexual Assault on the Brain and Body/ Survivor Profile A look into trauma and the brain; how trauma impacts the brain and body short term and long term, and how trauma can lead to other issues such as substance abuse, homelessness, etc. ·       ...
Human Trafficking Defines trafficking and its different types, looks at red flags and indicators, and talks about the people involved in trafficking and why this is a global (and even local) problem. Sing up easily online for one or more courses throughout this week....
Trauma Informed Care Information on what trauma-informed care is, why it is beneficial, how we can be trauma-informed, how we can have trauma-informed spaces and practice, and why it’s so important. Sign up online by clicking here – Sexual Assault Training...
SART Evidence-Based Advocacy and Case Management Provides information on the SART and how it operates, including its purpose in our community. Additional information on the crime victims’ compensation process, confidentiality programs, etc. Team approach...
Sex Offenders and the Dynamics of Child Sexual Abuse Learning to recognize, prevent, and respond to signs of child sexual abuse. Includes online exploitation, child sex trafficking, and information on sex offenders. Characteristics of sex offenders Relationship...