Sponsor Q&A: Wave Healthcare

Sponsor Q&A: Wave Healthcare

An exclusively pediatric respiratory Durable Medical Equipment (DME) company, Wave Healthcare’s primary focus is to improve healthcare for the Children of Texas. Wave Healthcare is able to serve families who are looking for a comprehensive range of home medical...
Expanding & Relocating Our Main Offices

Expanding & Relocating Our Main Offices

Sexual assault continues to impact our community in mass numbers. In recent months, we have borne witness to reports of sexual violence at the hands of Bill Cosby, the all-American dad whose TV presence many of us embraced, Brock Turner, a Stanford University athlete...
Sponsor Q&A: Protection 1

Sponsor Q&A: Protection 1

Protection 1 is the nation’s premier full service security provider, protecting homes and businesses like us at millions of locations. As part of our Relocation Project, Protection 1’s local office, led by General Manager Mark Weidemann, has decided to sponsor a...