Dynamics of Child Sexual Abuse

Rape Crisis Center 4606 Centerview Dr., Ste 240, San Antonio

Dynamics of Child Sexual Abuse Learning to recognize, prevent, and respond to signs of child sexual abuse. Includes online exploitation, child sex trafficking, and information on sex offenders.   Please review the available slots by following the link below and click on the button to sign up. Keep in mind that all of these sessions are IN PERSON at 4606 Centerview Drive, Suite 240 San Antonio, TX 78228. This training is not recommended for current RCC clients. Any former clients are recommended to be exited from the program for at least 2 years before attending this training. Thank you!


Barriers to Reporting and Special Populations

Rape Crisis Center 4606 Centerview Dr., Ste 240, San Antonio

Barriers to Reporting and Special Populations An examination of what might get in the way of a survivor deciding to come forward about their assault. Discussing groups that are not discussed enough in the conversation of sexual assault. Please review the available slots by following the link below and click on the button to sign up. Keep in mind that all of these sessions are IN PERSON at 4606 Centerview Drive, Suite 240 San Antonio, TX 78228. This training is not recommended for current RCC clients. Any former clients are recommended to be exited from the program for at least 2 years before attending this training. Thank you!


Trauma Informed Care

Rape Crisis Center 4606 Centerview Dr., Ste 240, San Antonio

Trauma-Informed Care Information on what trauma-informed care is, why it is beneficial, how we can be trauma-informed, how we can have trauma-informed spaces and practice, and why it's so important. Please review the available slots by following the link below and click on the button to sign up. Keep in mind that all of these sessions are IN PERSON at 4606 Centerview Drive, Suite 240 San Antonio, TX 78228. This training is not recommended for current RCC clients. Any former clients are recommended to be exited from the program for at least 2 years before attending this training. Thank you!


Human Trafficking

Rape Crisis Center 4606 Centerview Dr., Ste 240, San Antonio

Human Trafficking Defines trafficking and its different types, looks at red flags and indicators, talks about the people involved in trafficking and why this is a global (and even local) problem. Please review the available slots by following the link below and click on the button to sign up. Keep in mind that all of these sessions are IN PERSON at 4606 Centerview Drive, Suite 240 San Antonio, TX 78228. This training is not recommended for current RCC clients. Any former clients are recommended to be exited from the program for at least 2 years before attending this training. Thank you!
