TW: This powerful testimonial was sent to us anonymously through our Start by Believing page. The injustices she faced will make your blood boil, but the courage and strength she has shown to overcome her past is absolutely incredible.

She details her story from the childhood sexual abuse she endured by her older cousin, to being raped in high school by her then-boyfriend, to being raped in college multiple times by a serial stalker/rapist. These traumas — along with the re-victimization from not being believed and unserved justice — led to a suicide attempt.

After the stalker/rapist’s death (before she was able to testify to his crimes in court, thanks to an arrest after her teacher believed her) she slowly began to find hope.

When looking back, she says that because of what she faced, she has been able to:

– Raise $20,000 when she was 16 to save orphans from human trafficking.
– Travel the US raising awareness about human trafficking.
– Volunteer at a battered women’s shelter.
– Intern at two children’s abuse advocacy centers.

At the end of the year, she’ll graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in psychology and plans to continue on to get her Master’s degree in counseling.

“She refuses to ever be abused again and promises to spend the rest of her life helping children escape abuse. On dark days she wants to die, but those days are slowly fading and she is slowly seeing hope. She has made safe friends and they are helping her heal. Never give up hope.”

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